Renata Archetti
Associate Professor in Hydraulics
to DICAM University of Bologna
My academic and scientific path has given me the opportunity of a diverse environment and realities, from having my 5 years degree in Civil Environmental Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, masters degree in Environmental Engineering from University College Cork, Ireland and a PhD in Hydraulics Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. I have worked as a research fellow at University of Brescia’s Engineering department, a visiting researcher in UK, Germany, Denmark and Spain. I became a Professor of Hydraulics in 2015 at the University of Bologna where I teach Ocean and coastal Engineering to International masters’ students. For over 25 years my research activity has been carried out mainly in the field of hydraulics and fluid mechanics, deepening aspects related to applications at sea. I am an expert in hydrodynamics and coastal morphodynamics, pollution at sea, interaction of current waves and structures both on the coast and in the open sea. Since 1992, I have been consulting in the fields of environmental, hydraulic and coastal engineering.
Capolupo, A .; Monterisi, C .; Saponieri, A .; Addona, F .; Damiani, L .; Archetti, R .; Tarantino, E. An Interactive WebGIS Framework for Coastal Erosion Risk Management. JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. 2021, 9, 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse9060567
Addona F., Chiapponi L. and Renata Archetti. Velocity and density measurements in forced fountains with negative buoyancy. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 33, 055103 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0048012
Pellegrini, M., Aghakhani, A., Gaeta, MG, Archetti R., Guzzini, A., Saccani, C. 2020. Effectiveness assessment of an innovative ejector plant for port sediment management. JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2021, 9 (2), pp. 1–26, 197