I graduated from Civil Environmental Engineering and I have got a PHD in Hydraulics Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan.
I am a professor of hydraulics at the Alma Mater Studiorum where I teach Ocean and Coastal engineering at the international masters of the University of Bologna.
I carry out research in the field of hydraulics and fluid mechanics, deepening aspects related to applications at sea. I am an expert in hydrodynamics and coastal morphodynamics, pollution at sea from hydrocarbon spills or thermal pollution, interaction of current waves and structures both at the coast and in the open sea.
I have participated in a large number of research projects since the late 1990s financed from European Community funds, or by Italian ministries. I hold a patent for a device for converting energy from the sea.
I am the author of over 200 publications in international journals and conferences, I am auditor for the H2020 and Horizon Europe projects. I carry out consultancy activities for private companies in the field of environmental protection and oil & gas both in Italy and abroad and environmental hydraulic consultancy for public and private bodies for over 25 years.
My great passions are mountaineering skiing and sailing. Married, I have two daughters.
Politecnico di Milano
PhD in Hydraulic Engineering, X cycle
UCC, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Engineering
Politecnico di Milano
Degree in Civil Engineering for Soil Defense and Territorial Planning
Awards, Scholarships and Grants
2003-2004 | Research grant at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Brescia. Title: Use of microwave satellite observation for monitoring and mathematical modeling of hydrological processes.
1999-2003 | Research grant at DISTART, University of Bologna. Title: Hydrodynamics of the surf zone and the shoreline .
1998-1999 | Post-doctorate in the engineering sciences subject area.
1998 | Scholarship lasting 12 months entitled: Triggering of castings, degradation of materials during reflux, assessment of the risk associated with castings . DISTART Financing Body on EU funds ENV4-CT96-0253